Sunday, April 6, 2008

April 2008 Spring Color Combo

Hi Folks!

With Spring breaking out all around us I thought I'd make a new color combination for Spring and share it with you all.

This color scheme uses a background tile from Squid Fingers. It's not required, you could just use a plain background color instead. If you do use the free tile, be nice and give a link back to Squid Fingers on your page. Copy and paste into an HTML/Javascript widget:
Background image courtesy of <a href="">Squid Fingers</a>

To add a background image, first save a copy of your current template to your hard drive in case you need to go back to it. You must upload the image to an online image host. Then go to the Edit HTML page and replace this:
body {

with this, inserting the correct url to your background image in the appropriate place:
body {
background:$bgcolor url(http://url-to-image-goes-here.jpg);

Press the preview button and you should see the background image showing up. Save the template changes and go to your Fonts and Colors page to edit the colors.

These are the colors used in this scheme. You can see how I've used them on my blog. You can use them any way you like on your blog. Enter the six digit code in a box to the right of the color modification area on the Fonts and Colors page, then hit your Enter button to see the change in the window below.


When you have it the way you like it, save the changes.

This project will probably take a couple of hours. Have fun with it! Leave a link in the comments so we can all see how yours came out :)


This template made by and copyright Christine's Blog Templates.