Monday, December 1, 2008

Christmas 2008 Free Template

Hello Bloggers!

For Christmas I'm giving away this (Christmas 2008) template. It comes in only one variety: two column, side column on right, fluid width. It does have a full width banner section below the header and a full width footer section at the bottom into which you can place widgets if you want to use them. On the Fonts and Colors page, it does not allow any color changes, it does allow several font changes. If you decide to use it leave the credits in place, readable, with working links as they are when you get the template. That is my stipulation for use of the template. I'd also appreciate a note in the comments of this blog post with a link to your blog.

To use:

The first thing you should do is go to your Edit HTML page and download a copy of your current template so that after Christmas you can put it back on your blog.

I have instructions for applying the template on this page. I have included one of each widget type in the template, if you need to add more you should follow the instructions so you don't lose any widget content in the transition. If you want to delete some widgets or move them around, you can do so on the Page Elements page after you've saved the new template to your blog. Links to the images are already in place on the template, no need to add them. The images will be deleted after Christmas.

If you want to add a holiday greeting you can add a new widget to the header or banner section on the Page Elements page. The header section is not full width, it allows room for the Santa image on the side. The banner is full width.

If you want to add some space so that the Santa image is not covering your first blog post you can add an HTML/Javascript widget to the banner section and put some line breaks in there <br />. More line breaks for more space.

Ok, here is the template. Put your cursor in the text box below and right click to highlight all and copy, then paste to your text box on your Edit HTML page of your blog. Preview and save the template and you're ready to tweak on the Page Elements and Fonts and Colors pages.


I hope you enjoy this template :) Merry Christmas!

UPDATE JAN 2, 2009:
The Christmas template is removed from this blog, the images are deleted from the file host.

This template made by and copyright Christine's Blog Templates.