Sunday, August 31, 2008

No New Orders - Again

Well there is a hurricane headed right for where I live this morning, supposedly going to get bad sometime tonight or tomorrow morning. Last time I went without electricity at my house for over a week, so it seems wise to just delete the pages from my site again to prevent any new orders in case I can't fill them. The pages will be back where they belong when I am again able to fill orders. Please send some happy thoughts and prayers to the people of Louisiana and the gulf coast.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

August 2008 Brown/Blue/Red Color Scheme

Here is another new color scheme, this one uses a background tile from citrusmoon. If you use an image from online, always be sure to read and adhere to the terms of use published on the website.

The colors I used in this scheme are:


You don't need to use a background image to use these colors. To add a background image, first save a copy of your current template to your hard drive in case you need to go back to it. You must upload the image to an online image host. Then go to the Edit HTML page and replace this:

body {

with this, inserting the correct url to your background image in the appropriate place:
body {
background:$bgcolor url(http://url-to-image-goes-here.jpg);

If you use the free tile, show your appreciation and give a link back to citrusmoon on your blog. Copy and paste into an HTML/Javascript widget:
Background image courtesy of <a href="">citrusmoon</a>.

Have fun changing the look of your blog!

Back in Business

My computer is back in fine working order and the web pages are back where they belong on my website. I can take template orders again now.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

No New Template Orders For Now

I have lost internet access at my house due to lightening attacking my computer, and won't get it back for a week or more so I have deleted the pages on my template site which display the templates. This is my only option right now to stop people from placing orders. The pages will be back online when I have internet access from home again. I have refunded payments to those who have ordered templates and not received them, and they will receive their templates for free. I apologize for any trouble.

This template made by and copyright Christine's Blog Templates.