Saturday, October 13, 2007

Bill the Lizard

The new template I started on the other day is called Bill the Lizard, named after a character in Alice in Wonderland. It's currently dressing this blog.

It is very similar to Widgetopia, with a slightly different look. The Blog Title and Blog Description are next to each other, the Date and Post Title are also next to each other, and there's a box containing all the widgets (in this color scheme, it's white). It has all the same font/color/page element functionality of Widgetopia, all the same 18 layout versions, and will be available in all the Widgetopia color schemes plus nine new ones.

It should be online in a few days.

Bill the Lizard

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Exciting October in Christine's Blog Template World

It was October 2006 when my current template website went online, so it's already a year old! Time flies.

I got a big burst of motivation and recently rewrote the Widgetopia, PhotoBlogger, and Newspaper templates. They all now have more font and color options, more places to put widgets, more pre-made color schemes, and no tables!

I was excited to get this done. The templates without tables load faster. The double width side column on Widgetopia gives a much larger space option for side content. There are many more color schemes for people to choose from, but there are also more font and color options for creating their own color schemes. PhotoBlogger has much more space for images. I created easy to modify color schemes with only a few colors in them. This is exciting stuff to me.

I also have made my descriptions of the templates on my website more detailed, so people can know exactly what they're getting before they buy.

I was recently looking at some of the free Blogger templates available. They looked nice, had nice graphics on them. When I put them on my blog, they fell way short. The author hadn't put a lot of time into the details, and it showed.

I put a lot of thought into my templates, I want them to be right in all the details, I want to provide a quality product.

I started working on a new one today, similar to Widgetopia, but with a slightly different look.

This template made by and copyright Christine's Blog Templates.